
Australian Soccer School was founded in 2006 by Director Aman Hadid, with the goal to find and develop young Australian athletes filtering them through into professional leagues. The Australian Soccer School is a team of retired players, managers and existing players experienced in identifying and placing talent. We at Australian Soccer School recognise the altering stress, delegation and obligations placed on players, coaches and clubs and strive to help young talent, make it to the top. We pride ourselves on providing talented football professionals with moral advice and guidance in order to help them fulfil their potential.

We are an Australian based Academy providing management and personal representation services to professional footballers not limited to Australia, but for footballers from across the globe. Our management division currently represents the interests of players from across the NSW Premier League, Hyundai Youth League, A – League, European football leagues and the Gulf. Our dedicated team of football agents are all licensed to carry out domestic and international transfers and have a wealth of experience dealing with top-flight professional footballers and clubs.

Whether it be by coaching, day-to-day mentoring, specific physical and psychological programmes or out-sourcing specialist areas of expertise to trusted partners, we are dedicated to providing an absolute support system ensuring responsibility and prioritising our footballers’ an elite program where they can receive the best footballing advice and experience.

Do you know any players rejected at young ages because of their height? Their strength? Their fitness? Coaches would you sign a player with this description?

Sixteen years old. he can only last for 20 minutes a game sometimes! He lacks strength, no speed, no power, no athleticism and suffers from asthma.

Somebody once told Brian Kidd (youth team coach at Manchester United at the time) “What you have there is a dwarf”….‘You will eat your words,’ said Kidd when responding to that comment about a player by the name of Paul Scholes…….a player who would go on to become a Manchester United Legend!.

At Australian Soccer School we eliminate The “Best Athlete” Myth within soccer development. How many stars are we over looking for reasons beyond footballing ability?.

We need to promote players comfortable in possession, who understand that moving one yard away into a pocket of space is better than running miles on end during a match. This isn’t to say that a world-class player can’t be fit. Ronaldo is one of the most fit sportsmen in the world but he began his own development by working on his technical ability over thousands of hours. He began to hit the gym with his well-known work ethic only later on when he was in the academy full time.

Australian Soccer School offers a different approach to develop as a footballer.

If you do the same training that everyone else does, you play the same way everyone else plays.

Australian Soccer School supplies the opportunity for your child to improve and shine!

We believe in the philosophy that “your ability can only take you where your character can hold you.”

We at Australian Soccer School work on the mental side of football with visualization, principles of play, tactical and technical awareness.

The best players grew up with a ball at their feet and in many cases, a wall or street to ply their trade. Let’s make sure that the future generation doesn’t grow-up with a stopwatch and a barbell.

Once players are well prepared we at Australian Soccer School assist them towards professional clubs and systems.

Australian Soccer School posseses a very different approach to mainstream academies. Always require respect and discipline. Positive positive positive! No negative energy allowed!

Proven track record of coaches, guest speakers and existing players in our academy.

Call Australian Soccer School anytime for a free consultation. Are you the next “future footballer” to shock everyone? Is your preparation meeting your opportunity?

It’s possible you just need the right tools and resources.

